Our Services

Marketing Consulting

We care about the success of each and every business and with this being said we want to help you achieve your set objectives and goals.

If you are a small-medium enterprise or a large corporate, our experienced and professional Marketing Consultants are highly skilled to help and guide you with your specific and individualized business needs, complexities and situations.

Our Marketing Consultants understand that large corporates may need something inherently different than their smaller counterparts.

These may include:

Marketing Development Services

At ZIIDLTD our solutions are far from being just cookie cutter, we believe and greatly understand that every business needs a customised and unique marketing service.

We will guide your business to achieve and succeed your short-term marketing and business objectives. Furthermore, the knowledge and expertise of our team will enable you to greatly engage customers and open the doors to potential future business opportunities.

We work closely with clients to determine: Customer Segmentation & Targeting Value Proposition Strategic Positioning Marketing Communication & Promotion

Sales Strategy Consultancy

You need a clear overview of your customer’s needs and their decision process?

You need to improve your sales pipeline forecast and increase revenue by winning more qualified opportunities?

A sales strategy is an action plan to get your customers to buy your products and services. Successful sales strategies will help your sales force focus on target market customers and resolve their problems. Planning and creating an effective sales strategy require looking at long-term sales goals and analyzing the customer live cycle.

Creating an effective sales strategy requires market knowledge, awareness of competitor activities, awareness of current trends and detailed business analysis.

Sales Process

If you want to build a truly efficient sales process, you have to analyze and understand your customers’ buying process.

You have to find out what the most important thing for your customers is. How do they get informed about new products and services? How and when do they plan their budget and who are the parties involved in that process? How is the buying decision made? How do they negotiate the terms and conditions?

Knowing your customer’s buying process you’d be able to structure your own sales process according to it.

Our consulting process support:
Sales process assessment ,Sales strategy ,Selection and evaluation of target markets, segments and customers , Sales management development, Reporting and KPIs.

CPA/CPL marketing

CPA in digital marketing is an acronym for cost per acquisition or action. This cost refers to a business’s ability to convert ads. More specifically, it’s a fee a company pays whenever an ad results in a sale. In the case of cost per action, the company pays a fee when the ad results in an action taken by a customer.

CPL (Cost per Lead) is a marketing metric denoting the amount spent to obtain a lead in a digital marketing campaign or channel. This enables advertisers to understand how effective their campaigns are at generating leads in a given stream

Ziidltd was founded in 2023 by marketing experts. Companies provide lead / client / audience services to different companies upon request.

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